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Mistral Next : Open-source Beat to ChatGPT v4.0


In the dynamic landscape of language models, Mistol Next emerges as a potential game-changer, silently making its mark in the open-source community. With roots in the reputable Mistol and Mixol models, Mistol Next caught our attention through its unannounced appearance on the LM website. This article aims to unravel the capabilities of Mistol Next through a meticulous examination of six distinct tests, shedding light on its strengths and areas for improvement.

1. Basic Python Script Execution Test

Task: The initial litmus test involves Mistol Next executing a simple Python script, outputting numbers 1 to 100.

Result: Mistol Next effortlessly passes this test, showcasing its proficiency in fundamental coding tasks.

2. PyGame Snake Game Challenge

Task: The second test explores Mistol Next's ability to write a Python script for the classic Snake game using PyGame.

Result: While Mistol Next provides a solution, the game falls short of expectations during testing, revealing potential limitations in certain complex applications.

3. Logic and Reasoning Proficiency Test

Task: Evaluate Mistol Next's logic and reasoning skills through a series of diverse problems, including math, physics, and transitive property scenarios.

Result: Mistol Next excels in logic and reasoning tasks, surpassing expectations and showcasing a deep understanding of complex problem-solving.

4. Killers Problem Resolution Test

Task: Challenge Mistol Next to solve the infamous Killers problem, assessing its ability to reason through a complex scenario.

Result: Mistol Next impressively navigates the Killers problem, showcasing meticulous reasoning and delivering a clear and accurate solution.

5. Json Creation Task

Task: Test Mistol Next's ability to create a valid Json object based on provided information.

Result: Mistol Next successfully creates a valid Json object, demonstrating its competence in information structuring and data representation.

6. Physics and Scenario Simulation Test

Task: Investigate Mistol Next's understanding of physics and scenario simulation by posing a problem involving the placement of a marble in a cup and subsequent actions.

Result: Mistol Next showcases an impressive grasp of physics, accurately describing the scenario and demonstrating an ability to reason through complex situations.


Mistol Next proves to be a formidable contender in the realm of language models, excelling in logic, reasoning, and basic coding tasks. While it faces a challenge in the PyGame Snake game, its overall performance positions it as a model with immense potential. As the community awaits further insights and potential open-sourcing, Mistol Next sparks optimism for the future of language model advancements.

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